OT: Pincer grip development
OTs talk a lot about pincer grip development. This is when a child can isolate their thumb and index finger to pick something up, rather than using their whole hand. This should develop in kids around 10 months. It’s an essential skill for self feeding, doing buttons, tying shoes and holding a pencil, amongst other things.
Lots of preschool/school aged children use a pincer grip but need to build up their hand strength.
Here are a few ways to strengthen your child’s inner hand muscles to help their pincer grip:
Pinch theraputty or playdoh. Try hiding small beads inside the putty and having your child find and pull them out.
Fill a spray bottle with water and have them water the plants, ‘paint’ the fence or house or add paint/colour and shoot onto paper to make a painting.
Use small tongs or tweezers to sort blocks or beads by colour/number etc.